Thursday, June 9, 2011

An interview with Harris Channing!

Today, I had the pleasure of interviewing Harris Channing. She is a Romance Writer who is trying to cut her teeth in the indie writing world. Her book is on sale for .99, so go check it out and post all of your good reviews! 

Who are you, and where are you from?
My name is Harris Channing and I'm an author from Middle Tennessee.

Tell us your latest news?
My latest writing news--I recently released my novella, AN UN WILLING BARONESS
via, Barnes and Noble and Smashwords.

When and why did you begin writing?
 I began writing in grade school.  I had a wonderful 6th grade teacher that told
me she felt I had talent.  It meant A LOT to hear that.  If teachers don't
realize the power of their words, they need to think again!
 I didn't start writing for anything but recreation until I was in my early
20's.  I went on hiatus for a while to have kids and care for them, but when
they started school, I started seriously pursuing my dream.

When did you first consider yourself a writer?
 I've been a writer since I was about twelve.  I've only recently considered
myself an author.  Let's just say, I'm WAY older than twelve.

What inspired you to write your first book? 
When I was in my early twenties things in my life were very bleak.  I used
writiing as an escape and my characters truly helped me overcome some pretty
dark times.
If you had to choose, which writer would you consider a mentor?
I feel like I should say someone like William Faulkner or Ernest Hemingway, but
the truth is, Catherine Cookson inspired me.  Not so much by her books (and
there are some wonderful stories!) but by the way she overcame personal
obstacles to become the wonderful success that she became.  Also, when she was
very old, in bed after eye surgery, I wrote to her and via her secretary she
wrote back, offering me writing advice.  A true lady. 

What are your current projects?
 I'm in love with the Regency era at the moment and am about midway through an
erotic romance tentatively titled, "The Desperate Duke".  After that I want to
write book 2 of my Immortal Protector Series-THE DEMON MADE ME DO IT.

Name one entity that you feel supported you outside of family members.
 I don't suppose my crit partners Lori Brighton and Renee Micheals would like to
be called entities, but they have supported and sustained me.

Do you see writing as a career?
 I aspire for writing to be a career.  Right now it's a hobby I obsess over!

Can you share a little of your current work with us?
My latest release, AN UNWILLING BARONESS is a Regency romance.  Here's the
blurb: Three years ago, Chloe allowed her heart's desire to leave her. Now Jude is
back, but between his mother, her father and the Baron von Richter, is she
destined to become an unwilling baroness?

Is there anything you find particularly challenging in your writing?
Just buckling down and doing it!  Plus the critique, editing phase…it's hard to
realize that a book you slaved over, needs you to slave over it again…and again!

Who designed the covers?
of fact, I'd like to have a side business designing covers for other writers.  I
really enjoy the process!
Do you have any advice for other writers?
Yes, don't get discouraged.  Just keep trying.  You'll never succeed if you
quit…I guess that's good advice in most aspects of life.

An Unwilling Baroness at Amazon

An Unwilling Baroness at Amazon UK

An Unwilling Baroness at Smashwords

An Unwilling Baroness at Barnes and Noble

Her Facebook

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Visit her website


  1. Very nice interview!

  2. Harris, I love that title - "The Demon Made Me Do It." Hilarious! Wonderful interview, you two :)
